How to manage my house's consumption at night using the "Night" pre-set scene?

TaHoma helps you control your electricity consumption at night (unnecessary standby modes, heating programming, forgotten lights...) by deactivating plugs, turning off lights, lowering heating, and closing your shutters.​


Activate the pre-set « Night » scene in just a few clicks from the "My Scenes" menu to limit unnecessary consumption without thinking about it.​ ​



The "Morning" scenario is designed to bring your home back to its usual state following the night. This includes reactivating outlets, opening shutters, and adjusting the heating to a comfortable setting.​ ​



You should not include your Wifi gateway in your Night scene: if your Wifi is off during the night, TaHoma will not be able to turn it back on with a scene. ​ ​ ​ ​