19 results
  • How can I add products into TaHoma® app if I accidentally deleted them? (0) 26.03.2024

    If you deleted a product from your TaHoma app and want to add it again, follow the dedicated tutorial how to add new equipment and products in the TaHoma® app ?

  • How can I create and configure a security scenario? (0) 26.03.2024

    This feature is compatible only with the Link Advanced.

    By using scenarios, you can automate actions on your Somfy Home Alarm Advanced security system, reducing the number of routine actions.

  • What are the possibilities with my Netatmo sensors and TaHoma? (0) 26.03.2024

    The Netatmo Home Coach and Weather Station sensors are compatible with TaHoma for a variety of possibilities. In your app, you can find all the Netatmo sensors to automate your equipment or manage alerts.  
    Thanks to TaHoma's compatibility with Netatmo, you can:

    1. Manage the air quality in your home:

    • By automating the opening of your motorized windows as soon as your indoor air needs to be renewed thanks to TaHoma and its "Smart Airing" scene.

    What are the preconfigured scenes "Airing Notification" and “Smart Airing” in TaHoma?


    2. Improve your thermal comfort and save energy  

    • By programming the closing of your solar protections in summer as soon as the outside temperature becomes too high in order to keep your home cool. 
    • By automating the opening of your solar protections in winter to benefit from the natural heat of the sun

    What is the "Thermal comfort" pre-set scene and how to configure it on the TaHoma app?

    • By programming your heating according to your presence thanks to noise measurement.  


    3. Automate your equipment according to the indoor or outdoor environment:  

    • By switching off your lights and other connected equipment as soon as there is no one in the room according to noise measurement.
    • By programming the closing of your terrace awning when it rains*.
    • By being alerted or programming the closing of your motorised windows when rain or wind is detected*.   


    List of Netatmo compatible sensors with TaHoma :

    Home Coach:

    • Indoor module: Temperature, CO2, Humidity, Noise.


    Weather station:

    • Indoor module: Temperature, CO2, Humidity, Noise.
    • Outdoor module: Temperature, Humidity, Rain and Wind.*   


    *Note that there is a delay of a few minutes between the detection of weather changes and the reaction of your equipment. The Wi-Fi connection must be operational.

  • How to create energy alerts in TaHoma? (0) 26.03.2024

    TaHoma allows you to avoid energy waste by setting up alerts.​


    A light or a plug has been on for too long, or a window has been left open? Stay informed with a personalized alert on TaHoma.​



    Follow the steps below to set them:​


    • Go to the "..." menu​
    • Click on "Energy Coaching"​
    • Then go to "Consumption Alerts" (for lights and plugs) or "Opening Alerts" (for windows). ​
    • Choose the product(s) you want and a time before the alert.​


    You can only set one duration per type of alert.


  • How to activate energy coaching tips in TaHoma app? (0) 26.03.2024

    Need a helping hand from TaHoma to optimize your electricity consumption? TaHoma offers you one piece of advice per week to guide you in the process.​


    To activate this feature, go to the "My Favorites" tab, then "Add a Favorite," select the "Advice" tab, and click on "Add."​



    Every week, a new piece of advice will be displayed in your Favorites. By clicking on the banner, you can access the complete list of these tips.


  • How to manage my house's consumption at night using the "Night" pre-set scene? (0) 26.03.2024

    TaHoma helps you control your electricity consumption at night (unnecessary standby modes, heating programming, forgotten lights...) by deactivating plugs, turning off lights, lowering heating, and closing your shutters.​


    Activate the pre-set « Night » scene in just a few clicks from the "My Scenes" menu to limit unnecessary consumption without thinking about it.​ ​



    The "Morning" scenario is designed to bring your home back to its usual state following the night. This includes reactivating outlets, opening shutters, and adjusting the heating to a comfortable setting.​ ​



    You should not include your Wifi gateway in your Night scene: if your Wifi is off during the night, TaHoma will not be able to turn it back on with a scene. ​ ​ ​ ​


  • What is the purpose of the thermal comfort scene? (0) 26.03.2024

    Combined with the TaHoma switch, your roller shutters maximize thermal comfort and improve energy efficiency all year round.

    With the thermal comfort pre-set scene, you can program your shutters to respond to outdoor conditions.






    In the summer, solar protections automatically close as soon as the temperature rises, keeping your house 4 to 7°C cooler during heat peaks*. This helps delay the need to turn on the air conditioning and also protects your furniture, pets, and plants from the sun's rays, keeping your house cool.



    *Maximum temperature compared to a house not equipped with sun protection. TBC study for the French Building Federation: Analysis of the energy contribution of roller shutters normative & regulatory study, 2010.







    In the winter, the sun acts as a complementary heat source. Your shutters will automatically open to catch the heat and naturally warm up your home. And as the sun sets, they will close to retain the heat. This can help reduce your heating consumption by up to 30%**.



    **Compared to manual solutions. Somfy simulations implemented with the support of Carbone 4. Depending on a house’s size, geolocation, year of construction, window equipment (roller shutter, EVB), 2021.





    In the "Scenes" menu, click on "Create a new scene" to access the preconfigured scene dedicated to thermal comfort.






    The pre-programming is based on your equipment, whether you have sensors or not. The programming elements can be adjusted from the app to suit your needs.




    How to create and modfify a thermal comfort scene with TaHoma?



  • How to reset a gateway in case I want to sell it? (0) 28.12.2023

    You want to sell your gateway or give it to someone else?​

    You can easily make a full reset of your box following this procedure.

    Select the "..." menu:


    Then in "SOMFY & ME" select "Help & advanced features" menu


    Select "Remove my installation"


    Click on the button: Reset my installation


    Then click on "No" to delete the devices paired to the gateway


    Perform the reset by clicking on the confirm button


    Congratulation! Your installation has been reset:

    • Your account has been disconnected from the gateway 
    • All your personal information, configuration and equipment have been deleted

    Available with all TaHoma app compatible gateways (TaHoma switch, TaHoma V2, Connectivity kit, Connexoon RTS/io, TaHoma Rail DIN V2).

  • What is the "Holiday" scene and how to configure it in TaHoma? (0) 06.06.2023

    Leave your home with peace of mind by setting up your absence!

    Thanks to this scene, your equipment will be automatically activated during your holidays to simulate your presence! 

    Choose the dates of your vacations and link actions to this period.


    The steps to follow to configure it : 

    1. Start in the "Scenes" menu

    2. Click on "Agenda". Then, choice "Plan an absence +".

    3. Enter your period of absence. The times corresponding to your departure and return can also be set.  

    4. Define the daily comportment of your equipment using the two options available to you:

    Option 1: Planned actions

    Determine specific actions that will happen at the same time every day.

    Required settings:

    • At what time? (At dawn, dusk or at sepecific time)
    • Which equipement(s) and action(s)? (Open my shutters, turn off the light(s) ...)


    • At dawn+1h, the shutters will open.
    • At 6pm, the light will turn on
    • At 7pm, the shutter will close and the light will turn off.


    Option 2: Presence simulation

    Select your equipment and the time interval of your choice. TaHoma will then activate them randomly during your absence!

    Required settings:

    • Over what time period? (E.g. : between 8 am and 6 pm)
    • Which equipment(s)? (Shutters, blinds, lights...)



    • At a random time between 8 am and 1 pm, the shutters will open.
    • At a random time between 1 pm and 6 pm, the shutters will close.


    Note that you can create your "holiday" scenario by choosing both planned and random actions. Also, it is possible to set up several planned actions and several random simulation periods per day. 

    At the end of your configuration, you can see the details of your planned actions and the summary of your presence simulations. You can still make changes. To see the summary of your presence simulation, click on “See my schedule”.

    5.  If you wish to expand your schedule, simply click on "+ Add action".
    If the schedule is convenient for you, click on "Validate".

    6. You can find your "Holiday" scene in the "Scenes" menu.

    To modify your absence period and your schedule, click on the "Edit my holiday" button. To delete the scenario, click on the "End the holiday period" button.

  • How to select the right alarm for my home? (0) 15.05.2023

    Here are the features available when choosing your alarm system. Select those you need to create the alarm system that’s best for you. 
    1. Type of home. If you live in a house with a garden, think about equipping your system with an outdoor siren which has a flashing light. An effective solution for deterring intruders! 
    2. Backup battery. Opt for this solution! Your alarm will stay activated in the event of a power failure, loss of Internet connection or a sabotage attempt. 
    3. Pet and animal detection. If you have pets, consider getting a system designed to prevent false alarms. 
    4. Video surveillance. This generally includes a motion detector. When the camera is connected to the central control unit, it will detect intrusions and activate the siren.

  • How to select the right lighting solution for you? (0) 15.05.2023

    Would you like to use a remote control to switch a bedside lamp on and off?
    Somfy recommends you to use a remote-controlled plug.

    Would you like to control all your lights with a single remote control without replacing the existing switches?
    Somfy offers you a range of micro-receivers to switch your lights on and off with a single remote control without having to change your switches.

    The receiver is installed behind a switch or in a drop ceiling. No need to worry! By installing a receiver behind an existing switch, it can still be used to turn your light on and off manually without using your smartphone or tablet. Given the complexity of working with electrical wiring, we recommend you call a professional to perform the installation.

  • How to configure an outdoor lighting ? (0) 15.05.2023

    If you installed your camera by connecting it to an outdoor light, you can configure the trigger mode for the light, the trigger threshold, and the duration the light will be on for.

  • What should I do if I get the error message, "The outdoor camera is already installed"? (4) 15.05.2023

    You are stuck and the Outdoor Camera installation is incomplete because you are being told it is already installed.

    1. My Outdoor Camera is already linked to my account, but at another location

    You'll need to ensure that the outdoor camera is not already installed at another location. To do that, go to the home page for your account in the Somfy Protect app. Click on the arrow at the top of the page. This menu lets you access all the locations associated with your account.

    For a better use, the SOC should be installed on the master device account. If the SOC is on a different one, please delete it and reinstall the camera on the right account.


    2. I have multiple email addresses, and I am using the wrong one to access my alarm

    I am not logged into the right account, so I am being directed to install my equipment. 

    Follow the instructions in this article: Why is my account empty when my alarm has already been installed?


    3. Upon the 1st installation, I get this message

    Your Somfy Outdoor Camera is new and you are installing it, but you get this message. Contact customer service.

  • What should I do if your camera fails to detect an intrusion? (0) 15.05.2023

    If the camera fails to detect a presence by mistake, it is possible that its conditions of use are inappropriate for its detection capabilities.

    The camera's presence detector can identify the presence of an adult located at least 5 yards from the camera.

    To maximise the detection, please dot not use your camera directly under the sun, and make sure the device is properly pointing at the area you wish to protect.

    You can also ajust the sensitivity of each selected detection area. To do so, please follow the steps on

    Menu > My devices > Your outdoor camera > Motion detection > Save modification

    Activate the motion detection, set the detection sensitivity, then customize your detection zone 

  • How can I customize the landing page of my TaHoma app? (0) 25.04.2023

    Go to the "…" menu, then "Preferences and notifications" and "Preferred default menu". 

    Now you can choose which menu you want to land on when opening your TaHoma app: ​

    • "My favourite"​
    • "My scenes"​
    • "My home"​
    • Or the last active menu

  • I have a pet. How does TaHoma® manage animals in and moving around my home? (93) 12.10.2018

    Three types of detectors are installed with different detection levels. Everything is in place so that your pet can move around freely without interfering with TaHoma® and your connected equipment.

  • I have a wired installation. Can I upgrade it? (57) 28.09.2018
    Certainly. All you need to do is add an RTS receiver which will centralize your orders and transmit them to the motors via the existing wiring. And if you subsequently add another RTS product, it won't need to be wired to the control point.
  • What is the difference between a wired control system and a radio system? (446) 28.09.2018

     In a wired system, the control is connected to the motor by electric wires which transmit your commands to the motor. This is the traditional home automation solution. In this case, the control unit is fixed near the motor (beside the window, for instance, for a motorized blind). In the radio system, the commands are transmitted by radio waves. There is no electric wiring between the motor and the control.
    The control is mobile, and you can control your roller shutter within a radius of up to 20 metres, even through a wall. Installation is quicker too, and saves your walls from being damaged. This is the neat, simple home automation solution. Note: with Somfy, a wired system can always be upgraded to a radio installation.

    Further information about Somfy Technologies RTS & IO

  • What’s the difference between Somfy Radio Technology and io-homecontrol®? (800) 28.09.2018

    The common factor between the two home automation technologies is simplicity of installation without electrical wiring for the control points. They are also equally adaptable, as you can add motorized equipment or automatic systems according to your needs, without having to reconfigure the system.
    Lastly, they both make life easier thanks to their extensive remote control capabilities with which you can control your entire installation from the same control point. While Somfy Radio Technology primarily relates to home openings, with io-homecontrol® you can control other equipment around the home, such as heating, lighting, ventilation or access security.